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Here’s how you can buy healthy baby foods in Bangladesh?

Traditionally Bengali parents have cooked their children’s first solid food by picking raw materials and experimenting with various recipes. But this can be quite challenging and risky in your parenthood since –

Gerber Baby Foods

One of the most popular baby food companies worldwide is Gerber Baby Foods, a company that has been serving since 1927. Solid food offered by Gerber are indeed safe and healthy options to add taste and texture to your baby’s plate. They come up with adequate necessary nutrients like zinc and iron in their wide range of mashed and puree items.

Why solid food?

Although breast or formula milk must remain as the main source of nutrition for your 6 months old baby, doctors suggest introducing a nominal amount of solid food as a substitute. According to the UK’s National Health Service the practice of giving solid food to your supported sitter will lead to setting the child up for a lifetime of healthier eating.

It is suggested that babies above 6 months should be provided vitamin supplements that contain vitamin A,C and D on a regular basis. Though solid food can be started after five months in some cases, from the 6th month is generally the best time to begin with. Note that, complimentary solid foods beside milk can help your baby to form a strong immune system against food allergies and diseases.

What types of Solid Food does Gerber Baby Foods offer?  

Some of the more popular choices by Gerber that are suitable to be added in the 6 month baby food chart: 

As they grow up and become 8 months old, you can introduce them to: 

and many more

The #1 Baby Cereal in the world

To understand how to introduce these foods to your supported sitter, there is a guideline that has already been published by Gerber Baby Foods on their website

Ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo.

Age group for Gerber Baby Food:

Knowing the age groups will help you to identify which Gerber food is made for your child. Here are the three age groups are mentioned below :

  1. Supported/Independent Sitter : 6 months and above
  2. Crawler : 8 months and above
  3. Toddler : 12 months and above

Where can you find Gerber Baby Foods in Bangladesh? 

Here are the top three reasons why you should rely on this 95 years old company.

  1. Quality : In 2012, two of the Gerber Baby Foods won Canadian Family Food Awards for the fourth year in a row for their amazing quality. However, they claim to be fully committed to babies when it comes to making better food. 
  2. Eco friendly : Gerber Baby Foods believes that when our planet is healthy, food will be found nutritious. Hence, they are in action with their “Climate Forward Nutrition” commitment. Their agenda for going 100% carbon neutral by 2035 is one of their most remarkable policies. 
  3. Responsibility : Not only do they make a commitment but also prove it with noteworthy actions, such as their practice of regenerative farming. They also abide by the practices of recyclable packaging, responsible supply chain and using renewable electricity. 

Finding baby food online will save you a lot of time in going out and shopping. NotunEra is bringing you imported baby food at a reasonable price. Our baby food is imported from the USA. From our website’s wide range of stock you can order organic baby food, baby food snacks and baby food for all stages.

Now if you are looking for solid baby food for a 6 months old baby, NotunEra is offering you the widest variety of authentic Gerber Baby Foods for the best possible deals. 

Check out the online store  to shop Gerber Baby Foods in Bangladesh. 

References :

  1. Baby’s First Solid Foods by NHS choices. NHS. Accessed March 29, 2022.
  2. “Two Gerber Products Win in Canadian Family Magazine’s Annual Food Awards.” Nestlé. Accessed March 29, 2022.
  3.  Gerber. “A Day in Your Supported Sitter’s Diet.” Gerber, March 7, 2022.

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